In clearing away the mud, we hoped to find the point at which Cudworth had found the main flue branching off into two secondary flues, but there was no sign of that second flue.

After Jane took a photoshoot of the finished excavation, Ruth attempted to take some GPS readings with Bob the total station.

So we packed up and congratulated ourselves on having enjoyed a really good dig – pleasant company, a successful outcome - despite the misgivings about interpretation of the structure – and good luck with the weather. We have also appreciated the interest shown every day by passers-by, and in particular, by local residents. Again, many thanks to Hartlington Hall for giving us some parking space, and to Hartlington Fencing Supplies for the use of their essential facilities!
The site will be left open for anyone to look at until we backfill at the end of the summer holidays. The edges of the structure will be left exposed and an interpretation board will be set up at the site.
Jane Lunnon
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